Domestic family law

Divorce • Separation • Child custody • Access • Child support

Family law, which is quite a broad subject, is an area of private law that rules relationships between a group of individuals linked through kinship or affinity. Knowing and better understanding family law is a measure of protection for those you love.

I have several years of experience in this area of the law.


Me Sonia Heyeur

Divorce, separation, child custody, access rights, child support... Nobody wants to go through any of that. However, when there is no choice, it's better to entrust the situation to a true professional.

The Heyeur Jessop team has a long track record in the field of family law. Our experience and our commitment to stand behind you through the hardest moments will help you better understand what is happening and, most of all, be aware of all the options available to you, for the best possible outcome.

To reach us

HEYEUR JESSOP s.e.n.c.r.l.
SPACES, 75, Queen Street, Suite 1400
Montreal (Quebec)
H3C 2N6

Telephone : 514-284-5618